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Thank You For Your Pledge Please fill out the form below and we will contact you and work with you to make this pledge for good, a reality.
Más Vale Prevenir Por Karla Arroyo “Más vale prevenir que lamentar”. Este dicho tiene mucho de verdad, especialmente cuando se trata de la salud mental y de llevar una vida saludable. Como padres, nosotros somos 100% responsables de asegurarnos que nuestros hijos tengan todas las oportunidades para crear un mejor futuro. Esto significa brindarles ayuda
An Ounce of Prevention By Karla Arroyo “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” this statement cannot be more accurate when it comes to mental health and healthy lifestyles. As a caregiver, it is 100% on us to ensure our children have all the opportunities to create a better future. This is,
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Criar un Niño Resiliente Por Barbara Smith, Executive Director Utah Family Partnership Network La resiliencia es la capacidad de recuperarse de la adversidad para seguir avanzando en el futuro y enfrentarlo con confianza. Son cualidades que pueden ayudar a los niños o jóvenes a detenerse de las tentaciones de drogas, alcohol, y pensamientos de suicidio.
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Raising a Resilient Child By Barbara Smith, Executive Director Utah Family Partnership Network Resiliency is the ability to face new situations with confidence and bounce back from negative experiences. These qualities can help children resist many of the negative messages they are being bombarded with-hopefully keeping them away from drugs, alcohol and thoughts of suicide.
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