Creating Connections That Build Resilience​

A special gift for elementary teachers and families!

provides a unique learning system that encourages connection, fosters communication and empowers children and families with tools, skills, and experiences that can help them overcome life’s hardships and navigate mental health challenges.

The Fifth Annual Hope for the Holidays Special aired in December, 2024 in Utah on KUTV, KMYU, KJZZ and the American Forces Network

Live Events

  • Assemblies
  • Community Concerts
  • Gatherings
  • Trainings

20th Anniversary Utah Prevention Day with the Salt Lake Bees

Education Tribute Awards

UTAH Shield Awards

Watch the music video of our theme song, “Resilient”

Written by Steve James, Arranged by Kurt Bestor
Choreography by Bonnie Story
features David Osmond, Jessie Clark, the Bonner Family and other Utah artists.

Tax Deductible Contributions can be made to


Make checks payable to ResilientYou

9963 South Landau Lane, South Jordan, UT 84095

100% of your generous contributions are tax-deductible and will go toward providing materials, music media, training and events that build resilience in children through schools, homes and communities.